MCA Registration
All Ride Club participants must be members of the Manitoba Cycling Association, or a member of a association under Canadian Cycling Cyclisme.
Everyone is allowed to trial each ride once without an MCA (or CCA) membership but must sign a waiver before the ride. After your trial ride, you must have an MCA membership for subsequent rides.
Click the link below to register and purchase your MCA membership.
Group Rides

Mountain Madness - Mondays
Join us on the trails to hone your technical skills, build your confidence, and master your MTB flow.
Off Road Group Ride
15-25kms @ 15-25km/hr
April - October @ 6:30pm

Easy Peasy Ride - Tuesdays
Around here we ride slow. Join us through the city's trails and parks for a ride that's more about smiles than miles.
Family Friendly Ride
20-30kms @ 17-22km/hr
April - September @ 6:30pm

Cyclocross - Thursdays
Let's get dirty. Learn to mount and dismount at speed, maintain control through unforgiving terrain and master the mud.
Off Road Group Ride & Skills Clinics
30-45kms @ 20-30km/hr
September & October @ 6:30pm

Gravel Odyssey - Thursday
Join us as we explore the multitude of gravel roads in MB. If you're seeking a countryside adventure, we've got you covered.
*Requires a bike with drop handlebars.
40-60kms @ 25-30km/hr
June - August @ 6:30pm
Destination Ride - Fridays
Learn the basics of road riding on this low pressure, no-drop beginner road ride. We cover topics such as how to ride in formation and adapt to a paceline.
*Requires a bike with drop handlebars.
50-80kms @ 25-30km/hr
May - September @ 6:00pm
Winter Group Rides

Singletrack Fatbike Ride - Mondays
Join us as we ride the river and singletrack trails around Winnipeg all winter. Set those tire pressures low, and let's roll.
Off Road Winter Group Ride
15-30kms @ 14-20km/hr
November - March @ 6:30pm

Virtual Zwift Ride Wednesdays
Join us indoors, and push yourself on this all inclusive, virtual ride.
Off Road Group Ride
50-70kms @ 2.5-3.0W/kg
November - March @ 7:00 - 8:30pm
Club Benefits

* Club members do not qualify for a free jersey if they received one in 2021 or 2022. If sign-up occurs after the deadline, jerseys may still be available in limited quantities but are not guaranteed.
** Discount only applies to MSRP and cannot be combined with any other sales, offers, or promotions. Product must be in-stock and cannot be a special order item. Does not apply to any Garmin, Kuat, Thule, Wahoo, or Yakima product. Other exclusions may apply, please email Ride Club to inquire.
Retul Discount
Our ride club members are able to receive a 10% discount on our already competitively priced services with our state-of-the-art Retül fit studio, offering unparalleled accuracy and precision when it comes to getting you the best fit possible.
Be Prepared
Fluids & Snacks
Rides can take up to 2 hours. Bring enough fluids to consume about 500 ml/h and a snack that's easily packable, digestible, high in sugars.
Proper Clothing & Lights
You must wear a helmet. In addition, wearing weather appropriate clothing that keeps you dry, cool, and protected in the event of a crash is highly recommended.
Emergency Repair Kit
Flats happen to the best of us. Please ensure that you have a tube, multi-tool, tire levers and inflation device at a minimum in the event of a mechanical failure during the ride.
Shop Essential Ride Gear
Ride Club Etiquette
*Ride leaders reserve the right to turn away anyone who is deemed unprepared before a ride or is exhibiting unsafe behavior on a ride.*
Be On Time
Many riders have busy schedules and want to get as much riding in as they can. Each group ride typically starts within minutes of its posted start time. If you’re late, you’ll miss the ride. No one wants to make a poor first impression by being the one who holds up the start of a ride. It is a good idea to arrive at least ten to fifteen minutes before the start of the ride.
Communication is key to safe group rides. Roads are full of traffic, loose gravel, signs, pot holes, parked cars, animals, pedestrians, etc. and visibility is limited for cyclists riding in a pack. It is important to communicate to the other riders in the group by calling out and pointing out hazards with simple hand gestures. Signal all turns to the group and to motorists. Hold up your hand high in the air if you have a problem like a flat, so riders behind know to be careful. Be attentive to the ride leader when he/she is describing the route and possible hazards. Even if you are an experienced rider, there may be important announcements about route changes or new hazards such as road construction. Make an effort to make new riders feel welcome. The two most obvious things that can make a new rider feel unwelcome are, being ignored and being dropped. Experienced club members should talk to new riders and, if necessary, assist the ride leader in keeping track of new-comers and making sure they get back if they have trouble keeping up.
Know who is behind you
Each rider is responsible for making sure that the rider behind them doesn’t get lost or dropped. They do this by waiting for the next rider each time there is a turn, traffic light or any type of road condition that could cause a rider to get dropped. Additionally, it is especially important when riding in town that the group does not proceed through stop signs until it is safe for the all riders in the group to do so.
Ride Smart & Be Safe
Follow the Rules of the Road as defined in the Highway Traffic Act—a bike is a vehicle. We ride 1 metre out from the road edge (paved shoulder is not legally part of the road, we may or may not chose to ride on it). We take command of the entire lane when safety requires it such as through construction areas, narrow lanes, yields and roundabouts etc. and we release control of the lane once we are completely clear of the hazard/chokepoint.
Group ride dynamics are interesting and ever changing.
- Make sure your bike is in good working order. We can help with this – a spring tune-up is a great idea.
- Be relaxed.
- Be predictable in all your actions. Move around slowly, flowing like water.
- Stay alert at all times.
- Communicate hazards by calling and pointing them out.
- Hold your line. Especially in corners.
- Do not pass in corners.
- Don’t overlap wheels. A slight direction change or gust of wind could easily cause you to touch wheels and fall.
- Leave enough space between yourself and the rider in front of you to suit your abilities (generally a metre or so for a beginner).
- When preparing to stand up on the pedals, get out of the saddle slowly over two pedal strokes to avoid shooting your rear wheel into the rider behind you.
- Be aware of the rider(s) around you.
- Don’t brake hard unless absolutely necessary.
- Pass and change lanes slowly and carefully, like you would in your car.
- Remove aero-bars for all group rides.
You have to be alert at all times. To be safe it is important to ride smoothly by not over reacting and by avoiding hard braking. Be alert as to what is going on up the road in the front of the pack, and anticipate what traffic will do. Inexperienced riders that panic and touch a wheel may crash or cause a crash. You can avoid problems by practicing these simple rules:
Got Questions? Reach Out!
Email us with any questions, and let us know what rides you are interested in. You'll get valuable updates about starting points, route changes and cancellations.